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  1. !RAGE20ZIP    RAGE DOOM ver. 2.0, 3 Full Episodes for Doom!                                         RAGE20.WAD                                                                                                                                
  2. 9-LEVELSZIP   THE NINE LEVELS OF HELL, hidden walls on map, hard!  E3                               DTEPIS3.WAD                                                                                                                               
  3. 9DMDETHZIP    9 Great deathmatch wads for Doom 1 & 2                                                DM1DETH.WAD   DM2DETH.WAD                                                                                                                 
  4. AARRGHH!ZIP   Nine full missions to test your ability to act/react!                                 AARRGHH!.WAD                                                                                                                              
  5. ALOHA911ZIP   Bright & Shiny; Dark & Gloomy, Space to Roam!  E1M1-4                                 ALOHA911.WAD                                                                                                                              
  6. ALOHA999ZIP   New Episode 2 for Doom, no secrets, just plain carnage!  E2M1-8                       ALOHA999.WAD                                                                                                                              
  7. APOC_DTHZIP   FIRST 9 LEVELS OF APOCALYP.WAD WITH LOTS OF DEATHMATCH STARTS                         DAVES.WAD                                                                                                                                 
  8. ASDOOMZIP     Small deathmatch mission ripped from Asdoom2 with minor mods                          ASDOOM.WAD                                                                                                                                
  9. BANZAIZIP     Nine levels made from Atrium, Florzoo, Helipad, etc.  E3                              BANZAI.WAD                                                                                                                                
  10. BDMWADZIP     9 of the best Netdoom Levels, E1                                                      BDMWAD!.WAD                                                                                                                               
  11. BIGZIP        Good Doom Missions!  More fighting!  Big Episode!                                     BIG.WAD                                                                                                                                   
  12. BLOTWALZZIP   Blood on the Walz!  5 missions for Doom!  E1M1-5                                      WALZMUS.WAD   BLOTWALZ.WAD                                                                                                                
  13. BLOTWLZ3ZIP   Blood on the Walz v3.0!  5 missions for Doom!  E1M1-5, new graphics!                  DETH2.WAD     BLOTWALZ.WAD  BLOTSND.WAD                                                                                                   
  14. BRETT1ZIP     Brett's Hell, 4 missions with a bit of everything!  E2M1-4                            BRETT1.WAD                                                                                                                                
  15. BRETT2ZIP     A visit back to the shores of hell discovers new terror!  E2M1-5                      BRETT2.WAD                                                                                                                                
  16. BUNNWADZIP    3 Missions, Bunnings, Towers, and Labyrinth, Excellent series!  E2M1-3                BUNNINGS.WAD                                                                                                                              
  17. CAVHELLZIP    Caverns of Hell!  Enter at your own Risk!  E1M1-9                                     CAVERN.WAD                                                                                                                                
  18. CHRIS_E1ZIP   Well done 8 full missions for Doom with consistent theme!  E1M1-8                     CHRIS_E1.WAD                                                                                                                              
  19. CLEIMOSZIP    Nine level .WAD file for DOOM.  All new story line.                                   CLEIM10.WAD                                                                                                                               
  20. CRINGE!1ZIP   full replacement for the entire 2nd episode of Doom!                                  CRINGE.WAD                                                                                                                                
  21. CRINGE!2ZIP   full replacement graphics for the entire 2nd episode of Doom!                         CRINGFX.WAD                                                                                                                               
  22. CRINGE!3ZIP   full replacement sounds for the entire 2nd episode of Doom!                           CRINGSND.WAD                                                                                                                              
  23. CRINGE!6ZIP   full replacement sounds for the entire 2nd episode of Doom!  updated                  CRING666.WAD                                                                                                                              
  24. CRINGE1ZIP    CRINGE! full replacement for 2nd episode of Doom with new Music!                      CRINGE.WAD                                                                                                                                
  25. D9-2ZIP       7 Missions of Mini-Deathmatch for Doom 2 only!                                        D9-2.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  26. DARKGATEZIP   group of wads that replace e1m1 thru e1m8, fairly easy                                DARKGATE.WAD                                                                                                                              
  27. DARKHELLZIP   Full Episode 2 Replacement for Doom, 9 brand new missions!                            DARKHELL.WAD                                                                                                                              
  28. DEATHMZIP     8 Combined Missions with added Deathmatch Starts                                      DEATHM.WAD                                                                                                                                
  29. DM1OPTZIP     Every Doom mission (E1M1-E3M9) optimized for slower computers                         DM1OPT.WAD                                                                                                                                
  30. DMBONSAIZIP   A new episode for DOOM (replaces episode 3).                                          BONSAI.WAD                                                                                                                                
  31. DMCPHOZIP     Castle Phobos, 4 levels of Logic, Nasty Liquids, a Little Luck!  E2M                  CPHOBOS.WAD                                                                                                                               
  32. DMF1OF3ZIP    Cross between DOOM and Epic's One Must Fall: DOOM MUST FALL!  1/3                     DMFSPRT0.WAD                                                                                                                              
  33. DMF2OF3ZIP    Cross between DOOM and Epic's One Must Fall: DOOM MUST FALL!  2/3                     DLV.WAD                                                                                                                                   
  34. DMF3OF3ZIP    Cross between DOOM and Epic's One Must Fall: DOOM MUST FALL!  3/3                     DFX.WAD       DEX.WAD       DMFFLAT0.WAD                                                                                                  
  35. DMGRAYZIP     4 of the Greatest Doom missions combined                                              SWAMP.WAD     IMPSKULL.WAD  BADWATER.WAD  GAUNTLET.WAD                                                                                    
  36. DMINATORZIP   FULL 2nd EPISODE FOR REGISTERED DOOM (9 levels)                                       DMINATOR.WAD                                                                                                                              
  37. DMLV1ZIP      9 Doom Missions designed for Modem Play Deathmatch                                    M1.WAD        M6.WAD        M9.WAD        M3.WAD        M5.WAD        M7.WAD        M8.WAD        M4.WAD        M2.WAD                    
  38. DMMIS-1ZIP    INTO THE FIRE: Doom Episode 1 Missions                                                13.WAD        16.WAD        14.WAD        15.WAD        12.WAD        19.WAD        18.WAD        11.WAD                                  
  39. DMMIS-2ZIP    INTO THE FIRE: Doom Episode 2 Missions                                                23.WAD        26.WAD        24.WAD        25.WAD        22.WAD        29.WAD        28.WAD        21.WAD                                  
  40. DMMIS-3ZIP    INTO THE FIRE: Doom Episode 3 Missions                                                33.WAD        36.WAD        34.WAD        35.WAD        32.WAD        39.WAD        38.WAD                                                
  41. DMMIS-4ZIP    INTO THE FIRE: Doom Episode ? Missions                                                43.WAD        46.WAD        44.WAD        45.WAD        42.WAD        49.WAD        48.WAD        41.WAD                                  
  42. DMMUINZIP     Three DOOM "MUD" PWAD files.  Very nice room graphics!                                MUDBAS12.WAD  MUDLAB11.WAD  MUDVAT13.WAD                                                                                                  
  43. DMNSOHZIP     The Enjay replacement for the shores of hell! Nine Full Levels for DOOM!              NJ_SOH1.WAD                                                                                                                               
  44. DMPLYLNDZIP   Doom Play Land!  4 Japanese missions for trigger happy players!  E2M1-4               DMPLYLND.WAD                                                                                                                              
  45. DMPURGZIP     Somewhere between Heaven and Hell is Purgatory!    E2M1-2                             DMPURGE.WAD                                                                                                                               
  46. DMSACRZIP     Sacrifice!  Tough puzzles, this will burn some time!  E1M1-9                          SACRFICE.WAD                                                                                                                              
  47. DMSFGZIP      9 new levels for doom!                                                                DMSFG.WAD                                                                                                                                 
  48. DM_EP5ZIP     DOOM Episode 5: Yahoos Burning, all new missions                                      EP5A.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  49. DOOM-E8ZIP    DOOM - BLOODY DUNGEONS OF HELL                                                        DOOM-E8.WAD                                                                                                                               
  50. DOOM1V18ZIP   Huge WAD file with 18 full Doom Missions!  This'll keep ya busy!                      DOOM1V18.WAD                                                                                                                              
  51. DOOMAJJZIP    Flaming 'Rroids of Mars, Six great levels for Episode 2!                              DOOM1-3.WAD   DOOM4-6.WAD                                                                                                                 
  52. DOOMCPAKZIP   Chris Pack, 3 well done Doom missions, E1M1-3                                         CHRISPAK.WAD                                                                                                                              
  53. DOOMLAB1ZIP   KENTZ LABYRINTH 1, New E1, no cheating!                                               KENTZLAB.WAD                                                                                                                              
  54. DOOMLORDZIP   Doom Mission called LORD.                                                             LORD.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  55. DOOMPL1ZIP    8 WAD missions w/changes such as walls, Episode 1                                     DOOMPL1.WAD                                                                                                                               
  56. DOOMPL2ZIP    Another compound 8 mission WAD file for Doom, Episode 2                               DOOMPL2.WAD                                                                                                                               
  57. DOOMPL3ZIP    Another compound 8 mission WAD file for Doom, Episode 3                               DOOMPL3.WAD                                                                                                                               
  58. DOOMPL4ZIP    New .WAD collection for DOOM.  Here are eight missions.                               DOOMPL4.WAD                                                                                                                               
  59. DOOMWALZZIP   Blood on the Walz v1.0, 4 missions for Doom                                           BOTWALZ.WAD   MOVIEMUS.WAD                                                                                                                
  60. DOOM_E13ZIP   Doom, the Arena of Death!  9 full missions, new graphics/sounds!                      E13.WAD                                                                                                                                   
  61. DOOM_J11ZIP   JCM's 9 new levels for DOOM (registered)                                              JCM1.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  62. DR_DREADZIP   4 Great Missions to Defeat the Dangerous Dr. Dread!  E1M1-4                           DR_DREAD.WAD                                                                                                                              
  63. DTEPIS3ZIP    Another Demon hunt over 9 levels, Episode 3                                           DTEPIS3.WAD                                                                                                                               
  64. E3MOONCMZIP   Moon Chainshaw Massacre!  Start with chainsaw and retake the dock!  E3M1-8            E3MOONCM.WAD                                                                                                                              
  65. EGYPTWADZIP   Kneepaul is a Doom Episode with an Egyptian Theme                                     EGYPT.WAD                                                                                                                                 
  66. EPI3BESTZIP   A collection of the finest Doom levels for Episode 3                                  EPI3BEST.WAD                                                                                                                              
  67. EPIBEST1ZIP   A collection of 8 of the finest Doom Missions compiled!  E1                           EPI1BEST.WAD                                                                                                                              
  68. EPIBEST2ZIP   A collection of 8 of the finest Doom Missions compiled!  E2                           EPI2BEST.WAD                                                                                                                              
  69. EPIBEST3ZIP   A collection of 8 of the finest Doom Missions compiled!  E3                           EPI3BEST.WAD                                                                                                                              
  70. EPISODE4ZIP   Doom Episode 4: Yahoos in Hell Here is a                                              EP4B.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  71. ESHORT12ZIP   ELECTRIC SHORTS DOOM-WAD 12, shotgun included!                                        ESHORT12.WAD                                                                                                                              
  72. ETERNITYZIP   Serenity 2!  Beautifully Done, Quality Doom Episode 2!                                ETERNITY.WAD                                                                                                                              
  73. FOREST13ZIP   Forest 1.3 is a 3 level mission that is one of the best!  E2M1-3                      FOREST.WAD                                                                                                                                
  74. FOREST21ZIP   Forest 2.1 is a 4 level mission that is even better!  E2M1-4                          FOREST.WAD                                                                                                                                
  75. FOREST30ZIP   Forest 3.0 is a 5 level mission that is just GREAT!  E2M1-5                           FOREST.WAD                                                                                                                                
  76. FOREST32ZIP   Forest is a five mission PWAD with new graphix for Doom v1.9                          FOREST.WAD                                                                                                                                
  77. FRAGFESTZIP   a collection of frag intensive deathmatch wads, E1M1-8                                FRAGFEST.WAD                                                                                                                              
  78. FULLONZIP     Full Episode 2 of Dooming, 5 missions from scratch!  Happy Dooming!                   FULLON.WAD                                                                                                                                
  79. GGDEATHZIP    Green Goblin's Deathmatch Levels, E2M1-M9, gradually gets harder!                     GGDEATH!.WAD                                                                                                                              
  80. GIT_41ZIP     Levels made during the Epoch of Lawlessness, 1995, E1M1-4                             GIT.WAD                                                                                                                                   
  81. GRAVEYDZIP    Very big, lotsa room to roam, kill, die!  E1M2                                        GRAVEYD.WAD                                                                                                                               
  82. HALLS1_9ZIP   A replacement for HALLS1-6.WAD for registered DOOM.                                   HALLS1-9.WAD                                                                                                                              
  83. ILLUSORYZIP   Illusions Of Home, 3 complete episodes for Doom                                       ILLUSORY.WAD                                                                                                                              
  84. INVADE2ZIP    The Invasion, Level 2 - The Upper Decks!  E1M2                                        INVADE2.WAD                                                                                                                               
  85. IO14ZIP       More Missions For DOOM TiTLE: HELL ON IO,                                             IO14.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  86. JCM1-16ZIP    JCM's 9 new levels for DOOM!  Full Episode 2 with lotsa everything!                   JCM1-16.WAD                                                                                                                               
  87. JCM2-16ZIP    9 MORE levels for DOOM, E2, new sound/graphics/music!                                 JCM2-16.WAD                                                                                                                               
  88. JCM2_16ZIP    Updated JCM2 episode for registered DOOM 1.6!                                         JCM2-16.WAD                                                                                                                               
  89. LEGENDZIP     Combo mission containing missions E1M1-3, pretty good!                                LEGEND.WAD                                                                                                                                
  90. LORDZIP       A collection of 8 of the finest Doom Missions compiled!                               LORD.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  91. LOST2ZIP      Lost In Paris 2, 3 well crafted Doom Missions!  E3M1-3                                LOST_GFX.WAD  LOST_LEV.WAD  LOST_PIC.WAD  LOST_SND.WAD                                                                                    
  92. MAKDOOM3ZIP   3 classic levels complete with all keys, traps, secrets, critters!  E2M1-3            MAKDOOM3.WAD                                                                                                                              
  93. MKDOOM2ZIP    MKDOOM2 PWAD for DOOM.  Two large levels (1.2 meg total).                             MAKDOOM2.WAD                                                                                                                              
  94. MUD2ZIP       BATTLESTATION 1, 9 Levels, full Episode with secret level for Doom!                   MUD2.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  95. MUD3ZIP       BATTLESTATION 1, 9 Levels, full Episode with secret level for Doom!                   MUD3.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  96. MUDROX13ZIP   The Infiltrator, 7 Mudrox Doom missions, E1M1-7                                       MUDROX.WAD                                                                                                                                
  97. NEWDOOMZIP    27 of the best Doom levels compiled for all 3 episodes!                               NEWDOOM.WAD                                                                                                                               
  98. NEWHITS1ZIP   8 more excellent levels for Doom, Episode 1                                           NEWHITS1.WAD                                                                                                                              
  99. NEWLEVZIP     8 excellent new levels for Doom in 1 .wad                                             NEWLEV.WAD                                                                                                                                
  100. NGHTMRZIP     Welcome to my Nightmare, Includes new sounds, E1M1-2                                  NGHTMR.WAD                                                                                                                                
  101. NJKD1AZIP     Come Out Fighting!  Complete Episode with 9 full levels!                              NJKD1A.WAD                                                                                                                                
  102. NOFEARZIP     9 Collected missions for No Fear!  Complete Episode                                   NOFEAR.WAD                                                                                                                                
  103. OTTAWA09ZIP   Ottowa University Layout, BIG, new sounds/graphix/play, E1M1-5,9                      OTTAWAU.WAD                                                                                                                               
  104. POWZIP        Prisoner of War!  Escape and avenge your platoon!  E1M1-5                             POW2.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  105. R2WOLF11ZIP   Return to Castle Wolfenstein, 9 full Wolf missions in Doom!  E1M1-9                   R2GFXS.WAD    R2SNDS.WAD    R2CHAR.WAD    R2LVLS.WAD                                                                                      
  106. RALPH4ZIP     Deathmatch collection replaces episode 1                                              RALPH4.WAD                                                                                                                                
  107. RALPH5ZIP     Deathmatch collection replaces episode 1                                              RALPH5.WAD                                                                                                                                
  108. RALPHIIZIP    deathmatch collection that replaces 30 levels in Doom2                                RALPHII.WAD                                                                                                                               
  109. RANKZIP       Entire Episode for Doom, E1M1-9                                                       RANK.WAD                                                                                                                                  
  110. RETURN01ZIP   Return to Phobos, tough big Doom mission!                                             RETURN01.WAD  TINK.WAD                                                                                                                    
  111. RMHWADZIP     conducive towards exciting Deathmatch, but solo support too, E1M1-9                   RMH.WAD                                                                                                                                   
  112. SACRFICEZIP   Amazing six level DOOM patch.                                                         SACRFICE.WAD                                                                                                                              
  113. SERENITYZIP   Serenity is 8 full missions, a Doom Lovers Delight!  E3M1-8                           SERENITY.WAD                                                                                                                              
  114. SERENTY2ZIP   Serenity 2, sequel to Serenity, play Eternity instead.                                SERENTY2.WAD                                                                                                                              
  115. SNIPERZIP     Real big Doom Mission(s)  with sniping design in mind!                                SNIPER.WAD                                                                                                                                
  116. SP2000ZIP     Super Patate 2000, Episode 2, Levels 1 through 8, no theme, just carnage!             PATATE.WAD                                                                                                                                
  117. STAR-B-QZIP   You're invited to a cookout!  And your ass is on the menu!  E2M1-2                    STAR-B-Q.WAD                                                                                                                              
  118. SUPERWADZIP   A collection of 8 of the finest Doom Missions compiled!  E1                           SUPERWAD.WAD                                                                                                                              
  119. SURPRISEZIP   Surprise!  Your ship is infested with Aliens! Kill them all! E2M1-3                   SURPRISE.WAD                                                                                                                              
  120. SYD_DOOMZIP   SYDoom 2.0., designed to fill carnal desire, blood, that is!  E1M1-2                  SYD-DOOM.WAD                                                                                                                              
  121. TCDOOM11ZIP   Take Command!  It's up to you to tame this awesome mission!                           TCDOOM11.WAD                                                                                                                              
  122. TLRZIP        The Last Resort, The Ultimate Deathmatch Experience!  E2M1-9                          LAST.WAD      RESORT0.WAD                                                                                                                 
  123. TORCHEDZIP    TORCHED Mission, complete 9 mission episode for Doom!                                 TORCHED.WAD                                                                                                                               
  124. TRILOGYZIP    T R I L O G Y  (3 levels + demos), Outstanding E1M1-3                                 TRILOGY.WAD                                                                                                                               
  125. TRINITYZIP    Big intracate Map 1 Mission for Doom2                                                 OLD.WAD                                                                                                                                   
  126. ULTIMATEZIP   Nine HUGE missions for Doom, KILL! KILL! KILL!  E1M1-9                                ULTIMATE.WAD                                                                                                                              
  127. VORTEX2ZIP    Vortex, A three level mini-tour for Doom, E2M1-3, good design!                        VORTEX2.WAD                                                                                                                               
  128. WADIIIZIP     27 Levels for DOOM - covers all three episodes!                                       WADPACK3.WAD                                                                                                                              
  129. WADPAK1AZIP   3 complete episodes, compiled existing missions, 24 levels                            WADPAK1A.WAD                                                                                                                              
  130. WADPAK2ZIP    3 more complete episodes, compiled existing missions, 24 levels                       WADPAK2.WAD                                                                                                                               
  131. WARZONE0ZIP   Warzone the Epsiode!  A PWAD file for DOOM.                                           WARZONE0.WAD                                                                                                                              
  132. WILLIAM1ZIP   William's DOOM, Some Secrets and surprise Attacks, E1M1-3                             WILLIAM1.WAD                                                                                                                              
  133. XMASZIP       X-MAS NIGHTMARE, The aliens have taken over christmas!  E1M1,2,9                      XMAS_GFX.WAD  XMAS_LVL.WAD                                                                                                                